About the Founder
Temika McCann is a woman of uncompromising style that will tell you the truth who does not only have a great passion for reaching for lost souls but also a spiritual leader who leads by example and has a great love and reverence for God and the body of Christ from a sincere, humble heart to help and serve. She is well like respect and admired by the people she works with and connect with on a daily basis. She developed a sincere devotion to God, and at 18 years old, she gave her life and body as a whole to the Lord, Jesus Christ, and she is still on fire today for the Lord. She is an example of walking in the fruit of the Spirit Galatians 5:22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance and a Proverbs 31 Women. She is currently a fellowship at Bethlehem Temple M.B.C. under Pastor W.E. Page, where she in charge of the Women Department.

She was brought up and raised in a home of two God-fearing Parents. She has six brothers, and she is the only daughter. She is mother of five beautiful girls: Shartis, Brionna, Malaya, Kyla, and Janiyah. She is a devoted servant to the kingdom of God who has done several things such as revival host, conference host, supporter to ministries locally and on a global level, concert host, provides empowerment workshop on real-life issues that women face in this 21st century, She took several bible courses at the University of Holy Ghost Theology Outreach Mission School, Inc. Co-founded by Prophetess Pearl Bradley and she continues to study God’s word 2 Timothy 2:15.
She got her first summer job at the age 13yrs old working LA Conservation Corps The Clean & Green cleaning up various community in the Los Angeles area. She is a childcare provider with over 30 years of experience, working with children since the age of 14 yrs old Pre-K – 12 yrs old. She has experience working with special needs children and also a parent of a child who have (Williams Syndrome). She is a mentor, and life certified Christian coach, health and wellness, goal, success, transformational, accountability coach, and she uses motivation and accountability strategies to help women achieve their goals. She is an encourager and whose life has an impact on women, children, and families from all aspects of life.
She has three degrees A.A., BS, and Master of Science in early childhood, Leadership, Management, and Administration. She made the Dean list several times, and she has several certificates in working with Children/Adults in psychology, and she is in Pursue of focusing on a Doctorate Degree in Leadership and Business. She is a very hardworking and dedicated entrepreneur who is on the verge of opening her childcare and several other businesses to support and help less privileged families. She was elected out of the largest collegiate leadership society in the United States an giving an award medal/certificates, which has about a million members nationwide. She was nominated by The National Society of Leadership and success because of her excellent leadership and interpersonal skill she brings to a team. She holds the highest level of a Child Development Program Director Permit of the California Commission Teacher Credentialing. She a Member of the Williams Syndrome Association (National Organization) that bring awareness to parent and the community about this rare caused by deletions of additional genetic material near the elastin gene on chromosome #7.
She is one of the sponsors of C.M.F. International, where she helps and supports less-privileged children and families in Africa on a global level and Caring for the World’s neediest elderly Jews and families – Psalm 122 Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they that love thee shall prosper. Peace is within thy walls, and prosperity within thy palaces. For my brethren and companions’ sakes, I will say now; peace is within thee. For the House of the Lord our God, I will seek thy good. She also partnered with one of the leading shoe Companies Funds2Orgs, to help countries in Africa and Central America. She was honor by Dominion Dance Conference Service Award a Black and Gold medal Ephesian (2:10), for we are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works. She was awarded a Certificate of Appreciation for her Prayers & godly support Greater Works High Praise Anointed Ministries Founder Prophetess Mary Bowens and several more. She helps and gives her service to support other communities in various cities and global. She attended several meeting to help her to enhance her vision for her community and was able to share her vision with the Mayor in riverside county and others leaders. Temika Mccann has been a guest on Radios 1460 A.M. radio station “ It was a set-up, T.V. Show Cross TV Network and local talk shows people always looking to seek her advice and she has been know of impacting lives on a daily basis.
She is an author who already has two books to her name.” Becoming An Incredible Women In The Midst Of Your Storm” & “25 Way To Be Authentic”, and she is also working on her third book and other books she has a passion for like health/wellness books and workbooks.
Additionally, she developed a deep passion for aiding women, families, young adults, less-privileged children, and the general public. She has spoken to God, and she is still spreading God’s love and encouragement wherever she goes. She give out clothes , shoes and toys an have an annual outreach every year to give back to communities a resource center and so much more. She has witnessed many changes in many aspects of life. She became the founder of a women and children ministry call Passion To Love and Care Ministry, Inc. which was founded to help hurting women’s and children, and also to be an example to women’s, younger women’s, equipped, supported, encouraged, inspired and empower them to walk in the fruit of the Spirit and maturity to be able to be effective in the kingdom of God and to prepare their body for the